Jawbreaker is the most underrated movie of the 90s

Before Mean Girls and after Heathers and Clueless was a gem in the film industry that was widely under-appreciated by the mainstream, and that film was "Jawbreaker." In my opinion this film defines the sick realities of the subconscious minds of teens. It is as if the dark thoughts that crossed the popular table at high school were brought into reality and we see a world that is in chaos as a result. It's dark twists are probably why the mainstream didn't really accept it. Let's face it, nobody wants to see Marilyn Manson fucking someone doggy style on a bed with a corpse hidden beneath it, but we have to tolerate moments like that for the film to really display its metaphors.

Also the dialogue was probably a bit over the heads of the demographic it was seen as being targeted towards. Exhibit A: The Lunch Scene.

Some notable quotables from the film also include...

  • Never send a rose unless dyed black as a warning. And if one is sent to you, destroy it along with the sender. Emotionally of course. It's not like we kill people...
  • They'll believe it because it's their worst nightmare: Elizabeth Purr, the very picture of teenage perfection, obliterated by perversion.
  • Trends change people change, its all about details, if you don't pay attention to details your doomed, i mean look at my nails! I went through junior high wearing nothing but pink now pink makes me puke so i change rearrange, see, its called demented, no seriously the color's called demented.

The film is twisted in all of the right ways while still weaving a pretty fun tale of revenge and retribution. It's campy and over the top, but still glorious in each display. Then we have the fashion. The 50s cardigans, pencil skirts, and high waisted pants in bold colors are so fierce I almost can't handle it. So if you haven't seen this film then please take time out of your day to watch it. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.


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