Oscars 2014

So last night was the Oscars. I'm the first to admit I'm not an Oscars fan, I'm more of a Grammys sort of person. I just usually have never seen any of the movies nominated because my movie tastes tend to be horror films and comedies, neither of which tend to get nominated for anything. But I still watched the award show because awkward shit always goes down and I want to be able to see it live. Example, John Travolta pronouncing Idina Menzel's name as "Adele Dazeem." Here's a vine of it...

Like what the fuck even? He really committed to the mistake, as if he knew her personally and that we've all been pronouncing her name wrong. Unreal.

Then we had the Ellen selfie to end all selfies.

How beautiful are celebrities? Like I can't even handle it. J. Law is champion, though. She has that glamorous smile but also that "Jared Leto, get the fuck off my shoulder with your grungy hair" look. 

Also Leo lost another Oscar. Shocker. But let's face it, he was screwed. If they gave the award to a womanizing white guy over an AIDS patient or a slave there would have been riots. Also, if Leo didn't win an award for "The Beach" then he never will. I still love that movie and, to me, Leo never looked hotter. I mean c'mon...

Pink also performed and should win an award for best living creature on this planet. Literally flawless.

So that basically sums up my reactions to the Oscars. I am always down for watching an award show (as long as it's not the CMAs) even if I don't particularly know who is winning for what.


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