MTV Movie Awards

Okay so i wasn't going to even mention the MTV Movie Awards because I didn't think there would be anything even worth mentioning. Then Rihanna performed. Now I normally don't hate on Rihanna because I think she's a pretty bad bitch. Example...

But I guess her separation from Chris Brown and his wild fists has made her lazy because in her performance with Eminem she sounded like an opera singer being strangled...

I actually can't. So Rihanna is a fucking wreck and showed up on the red carpet with a nightgown on.

Not a good look, babes. Also, speaking of the red carpet Nicki Minaj wins the award for bitch of the year. Zendaya, the cute little Disney star gone pop star, was interviewing Nicki and said to her "I'm a bit starstruck right now" to which Nicki replied "You should be." Like, really? Bitch needs to sit her jupiter sized ass down right now and reflect because to me she isn't someone who should be tossing around that much attitude with her extremely short-lived career. Regardless E!'s Fashion Police gave Nicki the best dressed award for this look which to me wasn't anything special...

Also I need to remark on the fact that George Kotsiopoulos shouldn't be commenting on fashion when he looks like this...

He looks like Liberace's grandfather with that glitter shirt and cardigan. Also, can we please give up the dress shoes with no socks look. It like two summers ago when people were getting wild about the hype of the Great Gatsby and now I'm so over it.

Moving onto the most glorious moment of the night, (which of course the bitter gay, George, thought was so uncomfortable and awkward) Zac Effron was stripped down by Rita Ora during his acceptance speech of "best shirtless performance" award.

Obviously this was planned, but of course he would be shirtless during his acceptance speech for shirtless performance. I can't get me enough of that pretty little coke fiend.

So those were the highlights of the MTV Movie Awards for me. I was pleasantly surprised that there were things to actually discuss about them this year, so thanks to all of the terrible performances, bitchy red carpet moments, and shirtless hunks that made this post possible.


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