Lady Gaga amputated her own legs!?

If you haven't heard the news then I'm glad to be the first to tell you! Lady Gaga recently announced that she had surgery done to amputate her own legs because she didn't want to "walk in the shoes of a pop star anymore." This is clearly the most shocking stunt that Gaga has pulled so far. Many people were wondering where she would go from her vomit episode at SXSW but Gaga has once again shown that she is never out of ideas and that the sky is the limit.

"I decided to have my legs amputated because I was sick of the mold that pop music was forcing on me. I'm an artist. I'm friends with Marina Abramović, and Jeff Koons, not Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry. Artists are about expression , not sales, and I felt that the only way I could stop living the life of a pop star was to amputate my legs so that I physically and metaphorically wouldn't have to walk in the shoes of a pop star anymore."

Many fans are showing outrage over Gaga's amputation. User @gagayouaremylifeandineedyou on Twitter said "Gaga! How are you going to dance at your concerts now!? No!! #lifeover" to which Gaga replied "Don't cry little monster, 95% of my choreography is from the waist up anyway!"

What do you think about Gaga's latest stunt? Is it art or is it madness?


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