Trend Watch: Kim Jong-Un's Hairstyle

Have you seen the latest trend coming out of North Korea? It's a hairstyle from their fashionista leader, Kim Jong-Un!

I'm calling it the "90s modern blind hairstylist" look because it has remnants of the 90s bowl haircut but the forehead being shown is very modern and the sides seem so uneven that a blind person must have cut it. So edgy. I also can't tell if he is 5 or 50.

It turns out that every man in North Korea isn't actually being forced to cut their hair this way as early reports stated. As a matter of fact North Korea, in 2005, only said that men can't have long hair because it makes them look like "blind followers of bourgeois lifestyle." Aww, look Charlie Hunnam is sad now. Mean North Korea.

I am glad the story wasn't true because that would make me sort of like Kim-Jong Un if it was. The idea of a leader of a country wanting all men to look like him when he looks like a nightmare version of humpty dumpty just makes me giggle. 


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