The Turkey Bacon Song

So on the "Blood, Sweat, and Heels" Reunion this past Sunday on Bravo, they aired a clip of Mica's "The Turkey Bacon" song and I was cackling. I feel like most people can relate to just wanting your man make you some turkey bacon and scrambled eggs in the morning, and that's all the song is about. Bravo neer let's me down when it comes to horribly campy, terribly written, middle-aged botox beats and this is no exception. I won't make you wait any longer, here is the full song.

By the way, if you haven't seen "Blood, Sweat, and Heels" I highly recommend that you do because it is the most dramatic show on Bravo. Like it blows the Housewives out of the water. I think the women on it all really want a second season and they knew they had to have drama or there wouldn't be one, and they didn't disappoint. I was in hysterics every episode because I couldn't believe these women. And Mica, the one singing this song, is on another level. She bounces between being an alcoholic and being Ru Paul in every single episode, sometimes managing to be both at the same time. Glorious. So plan a day to marathon this season and thank me when you're done.


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