Justin Bieber is OOC

Justin Beiber is OUT. OF. CONTROL. Recently he had to give a deposition about an alleged attack that he ordered on a photographer by one of his bodyguards and the video of it is priceless. Here it is:


Clearly this little shit needs a slap and I really hope it happens publicly and by the perfectly manicured hand of Selena Gomez. But my biggest concern is his porn stache. Congratulations on being able to grow facial hair, little Biebs, but a razor is your friend. That facial hair makes him look like he is caught somewhere in between just being born and Ron Jeremy. It's like dunking an oreo in orange juice, it just doesn't mix.

So it doesn't look like Bieber is getting his shit together anytime soon, but at least in the meantime he should work on clearing up his skin. The makeup in this video covers it, but when we look to his picture taken by the Miami Police...

Yikes. Proactiv needs to sponsor him again and fast. The meth head look is so not cute.


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