Selfie Pro Tips

The topic that this country needs to be set straight on is the topic of selfies. Selfies are the new social currency and if you don't know how to take a proper one then you are going to be falling below the social poverty line along with Vanilla Ice, Billy Ray Cyrus, and Howie Mandel.

Pro Tip 1: Lighting.

If you aren't lit within an inch of your life then don't even bother taking a selfie. Nobody wants to see this:

They want to see this:

Pro Tip 2: Angle.

If you saw "Watch What Happens Live" last night, Naomi Campbell gave her selfie tip and she recommended the 3/4 angle. I've been saying that the 3/4 angle is the best angle for a selfie for ages and now it's been validated by one of the top supermodels in history. #protip

For those of you who don't know, a 3/4 angle is half way between looking directly at the camera and profile. See my previous example for a 3/4 profile picture.

Pro Tip 3: Quality.

I am aware that iPhones have a front facing camera, but the biggest difference between an amateur selfie and a pro selfie is that pros don't use the front facing camera. "Well how do I know if I'm in frame?" you might ask. Simple, use a mirror.

It's a little extra work but the quality takes you from here:

to here:

Big difference. You probably will get at least 10 more likes on Instagram if you do it this way. This makes taking bathroom selfies allowed because you can use the mirror to give you top quality without having the mirror actually in the selfie (these aren't 2001 Myspace selfies). For a selfie on the go use a handheld mirror like I did. Men, learn to carry a handheld mirror on you at all times if you want to be on top of your selfie game.

Pro Tip 4: Filters.

Filters are tricky because they are totally dependent on your skin tone. I am spectral so I usually go for filters that make me look even more pale. Heroin chic hasn't left us, so I own my paleness. But if you have a tan then go for a filter that brings out your tan even more! Filters are all about amplifying the skin tone we already have. If you are tan and try to use a pale person filter then you will look so weird it will ruin your selfie even if you followed all of my tips.  So the main tip here is to honor your skin tone and enhance it.

Pro Tip 5: Hashtags.

If you are posting a selfie you obviously want the biggest amount of people to see it. Your 100-200 followers on Instagram won't be enough to give you the other-worldly amount of likes that you want for your selfie efforts, your selforts, so you need to employ hashtags. If you are a girl toss on some tags like #hair #beauty #cute #girl #single and watch the likes roll in. If you are a guy try out #hot #sexy #guy #body. If you are a gay don't forget to use #gay #gayguy #gayboy because the gays love nothing more than to search those tags for other hot gays. You are doing yourself a disservice to not employ hashtags for optimal likes.

So that about sums up my Selfie Pro Tips, now go out there and take some amazing selfies. Also follow me on Instagram @palesprinkle and tag me in your selfies if you use my tips!


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